We can help you develop your MEMS


MEMS products used to take millions of dollars and years to reach full commercialization. Those days are over.

  • With us, you eliminate the technical and business risks at every stage of the development.
  • With us, you consider system integration and measurement requirements right from the start.
  • With us, you develop MEMS with series production in mind. 

And most importantly, as our customer, you retain ownership of all the know-how we develop.


We are here for you

Any questions?

Test 30 days for free - installed on your computer or in the i-ROM cloud

Download the i-ROM Modelbuilder for 30 days free of charge / Any questions?


1. Program configuration

The number of functional elements is limited in the trial version. This does not affect functionality.

2. Installation


For the installation, we require information on your computer configuration.

3. Any questions?

Please calculate 2 plus 6.